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(f)            At the end of his or her probationary service, a staff member who holds a probationary appointment shall either be granted a permanent appointment or be separated from service. They shall promptly submit any medical certificate or medical report required under conditions to be specified by the Secretary-General. A temporary appointment shall not be converted to any other type of appointment; (c)           A fixed-term appointment does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal or conversion, irrespective of the length of service; (d)           The Secretary-General shall prescribe which staff members are eligible for consideration for continuing appointments. 2. (a)           The Secretary-General shall publish the salary scales, pensionable remuneration and conditions of salary increments for staff members appointed in the Professional category and in the Field Service category. (f)            Any amount of compensation that a claimant may be entitled to receive in the future pursuant to the present rules shall be first used to offset any monies received by the claimant under subparagraph (e) (iii) above. If the child’s education is interrupted for at least one school year by national service, illness or other compelling reasons, the period of eligibility shall be extended by the period of interruption. (e)           Claims based, in whole or in part, upon any aggravation of a pre-existing medical condition shall not be compensated unless such aggravation is service-incurred, and such compensation shall be solely for the proportion of the injury or illness deemed service-incurred. For staff in the Field Service category, the payment shall be calculated on the basis of the staff member’s gross salary less staff assessment according to the schedule of rates set forth in staff regulation 3.3 (b) (i), plus language allowance, if any. (a)           Senior review bodies shall be established by the Secretary-General to review and provide advice on recommendations for the selection and managed mobility of senior staff. The author has presented a sample of company rules and regulations for employees. (b)           Entitlement to relocation shipment under staff rule 7.16 (a) shall normally cease if the relocation shipment has not commenced within two years of the date on which the staff member became entitled to relocation shipment or if the staff member’s services are not expected to continue for more than six months beyond the proposed date of arrival of the personal effects and household goods. Illness or accident during travel on official business. The resulting incapacity must have a significant adverse impact on the claimant’s actual earnings, as determined by the Secretary-General under the Staff Rules. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 2, of its statute, the Dispute Tribunal may suspend the implementation of a decision where the decision appears prima facie to be unlawful, in cases of particular urgency and where its implementation would cause irreparable damage. Such ex officio representatives shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board to provide guidance to the Board with respect to the interpretation of the rules and issues relevant to their offices. (b)           The Secretary of the Board is responsible for preparing claims submitted under the present rules for consideration by the Board or the official with delegated authority to consider de minimis claims, as set forth in article 1.6 below. Family Winter Holidays! (g)           If a staff member delays taking his or her home leave beyond the 12-month period after which it falls due, such delayed leave may be taken without altering the time of his or her next and succeeding home leave entitlements, provided that normally not less than 12 months of qualifying service elapse between the date of the staff member’s return from the delayed home leave and the date of his or her next home leave departure. The United Nations will not accept, consider or provide compensation or benefits for service-incurred death, injury or illness except under the present rules. 1. There are many laws, regulations and codes to consider before becoming a hotelier. Where such a governmental grant is made, the dependent child allowance or single parent allowance payable under this rule shall be the approximate amount by which the governmental grant is less than the dependent child allowance or single parent allowance set out under the Staff Regulations and Rules. (f)            The provisions of paragraph (e) above insofar as they relate to staff members in the General Service and related categories shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such staff members have received consideration for suitable posts available within their parent organization at their duty stations. Pro perty owner reserves the right to amend or revoke rules or regulations, in whole or part, or to adopt new ones, at anytime or from time to time, and all such amendments, revocations, or new rules shall become a part of this lease/rental agreement as of the ir effective date. (h)           A staff member may be required to take his or her home leave in conjunction with travel on official business or change of official duty station, due regard being paid to the interests of the staff member and his or her family. Outside activities include but are not limited to: (i)        Issuing statements to the press, radio or other agencies of public information; (ii)       Accepting speaking engagements; (iii)      Taking part in film, theatre, radio or television productions; (iv)      Submitting articles, books or other material for publication, or for any electronic dissemination. (b)           While the salary of a staff member is normally subject to the post adjustment of his or her duty station during assignments for one year or more, alternative arrangements may be made by the Secretary-General under the following circumstances: (i)            When a staff member is assigned to a duty station whose post adjustment classification is lower than that of his or her previous duty station, he or she may continue to receive for up to six months the post adjustment applicable to the previous duty station while at least one member of his or her immediate family (spouse and children) remains at that duty station; (ii)           When a staff member is assigned to a duty station for less than one year, the Secretary-General shall decide at that time whether to apply the post adjustment applicable to the duty station and, if appropriate, to pay a settling-in grant under staff rule 7.14, the mobility incentive under staff rule 3.13 if applicable and hardship allowance and non-family service allowance under staff rules 3.14 and 3.15 or, in lieu of the above, to authorize appropriate subsistence payments; (iii)          When a staff member is assigned to a United Nations field mission for a period of three months or less, the Secretary-General shall decide at that time whether to apply the post adjustment applicable to the duty station and, if appropriate, to pay a settling-in grant under staff rule 7.14, the mobility incentive under staff rule 3.13 if applicable and hardship allowance and non‑family service allowance under staff rules 3.14 and 3.15 or, in lieu of the above, to authorize appropriate subsistence payments. Should a (b)           A staff member whose appointment is terminated for reasons of health shall receive an indemnity equal to the indemnity provided under paragraph (a) of the present annex reduced by the amount of any disability benefit that the staff member may receive under the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund for the number of months to which the indemnity rate corresponds; (c)           A staff member whose appointment is terminated for unsatisfactory service or who for disciplinary reasons is separated from service for misconduct other than by dismissal may be paid, at the discretion of the Secretary-General, an indemnity not exceeding one half of the indemnity provided under paragraph (a) of the present annex; (d)           No indemnity payments shall be made to: (i)            A staff member who resigns, except where termination notice has been given and the termination date agreed upon; (ii)           A staff member who has a temporary or a fixed-term appointment that is completed on the expiration date specified in the letter of appointment; (iii)          A staff member who is dismissed; (iv)          A staff member who abandons his or her post; (v)           A staff member who is retired under the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund; (e)           Personnel specifically engaged for conference and other short-term service, as consultants or as experts, and staff members who are locally recruited for service in established offices away from Headquarters may be paid termination indemnity if and as provided in their letters of appointment. These privileges and immunities furnish no excuse to the staff members who are covered by them to fail to observe laws and police regulations of the State in which they are located, nor do they furnish an excuse for non-performance of their private obligations. (c) Staff members shall follow the directions and instructions properly issued by the (d)           The United Nations is entitled to settle any claim, demand or right against a third party or parties pursuant to subparagraph (b) above on such terms and conditions as it determines to be reasonable. Notification by staff members and obligation to supply information. World Health Organization Staff Regulations and Staff Rules STAFF REGULATIONS 4 1February 2016 ARTICLE I Duties, Obligations and Privileges 1.1 All staff members of the Organization are international civil servants. (d)           In addition, in the case of a staff member holding a continuing appointment, the Secretary-General may terminate the appointment without the consent of the staff member if, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, such action would be in the interest of the good administration of the Organization, to be interpreted principally as a change or termination of a mandate, and in accordance with the standards of the Charter. There shall be a two-tier formal system of administration of justice: (a)           The United Nations Dispute Tribunal shall, under conditions prescribed in its statute and rules, hear and render judgment on an application from a staff member alleging non-compliance with his or her terms of appointment or the contract of employment, including all pertinent regulations and rules; (b)           The United Nations Appeals Tribunal shall, under conditions prescribed in its statute and rules, exercise appellate jurisdiction over an appeal of a judgment rendered by the United Nations Dispute Tribunal submitted by either party. Where the assignment is extended for a total period of one year or longer, the staff member shall be paid expenses for an additional shipment of personal effects and household goods up to the maximum entitlement established in paragraph (i) below on the condition that staff member’s services are expected to continue for more than six months beyond the proposed date of arrival of the personal effects and household goods in line with staff rule 7.17 (b). Similarly, staff members shall neither seek nor accept any favour, gift, remuneration or any other personal benefit from another staff member or from any third party in exchange for performing, failing to perform or delaying the performance of any official act. II. b. 1 July 2009, all permanent appointments shall be governed by the terms and conditions applicable to continuing appointments under the Staff Regulations and the Staff Rules, except as provided under the present rule. Staff members serving as Field Service Officers will be subject to the original conditions of employment applicable to that category of staff until 30 June 2011, including those relating to deployment at short notice to any duty station, subject to conditions established by the Secretary-General. These staffs shall form a part of the Secretariat. How bar and restaurant regulations work. %��������� Each one of these approved caterers carries the Regents' required liability insurance and health permits. If there are one or more such survivors, payment shall be made under terms and conditions established by the Secretary-General. �_ݥ39%I�0k���u����+����oG��������tҴ �,�*�sc�fw��Y����6��g���U瞴vAbEKy���g�;U�|�܇��iZ�}�/���O}�*��_3�Zx��Uv��ݐ�U�d:���z�����;��79�F��>�s�"���/��9�-w{�$E�n\��y����+�5��%��\XA��c��?_)��Y��f�[�犂��G�p��nQD�9� �\U������Vy��Tn6��$�_4$[�d Y��!8;��8���x�Iy�\��%�~� However, if the staff member is entitled to the single parent allowance under regulation 3.5 in respect of a disabled child, the allowance shall be the same as the allowance for a dependent child in subparagraph (i) above; (iii)          Where there is no dependent spouse, a single annual allowance shall be paid for a secondary dependant in respect of either a dependent parent, a dependent brother or a dependent sister; (b)           If both husband and wife are staff members, one may claim, for dependent children, under subparagraph (a) (i) and (ii) above, in which case the other may claim only under subparagraph (a) (iii) above, if otherwise entitled; (c)           With a view to avoiding duplication of benefits and in order to achieve equality between staff members who receive dependency benefits under applicable laws in the form of governmental grants and staff members who do not receive such dependency benefits, the Secretary-General shall prescribe conditions under which the dependency allowance for a child specified in subparagraph (a) (i) above and regulation 3.5 shall be payable only to the extent that the dependency benefits enjoyed by the staff member or his or her spouse under applicable laws amount to less than such a dependency allowance; (d)           Staff members whose salary rates are set by the Secretary-General under paragraph 6 or paragraph 7 of annex I to the present Regulations shall be entitled to receive dependency allowances at rates and under conditions determined by the Secretary-General, due regard being given to the circumstances in the locality in which the office is located; (e)           Claims for dependency allowances shall be submitted in writing and supported by evidence satisfactory to the Secretary-General. (l)            No staff member shall accept any honour, decoration, favour, gift or remuneration from any Government. (h)           Computation of the daily subsistence allowance payable to a staff member and his or her eligible family members shall be made under conditions established by the Secretary-General. Any staff member who so requests shall, on leaving the service of the United Nations, be given a statement relating to the nature of his or her duties and the length of service. Claimants wishing to contest a decision taken on a claim under the present rules, when that decision is based upon a medical determination by the Medical Services Division or the United Nations Medical Director, shall submit a request for reconsideration of the medical determination under conditions, and by a technical body, established by the Secretary-General. 3. The hotel's liability for any loss or damage of items brought in by guests to the hotel is regulated by provisions of articles 846-849 of the Civil Code. (n)           The Secretary-General may authorize staff members to accept from a non-governmental source or a university or a related institution, academic awards, distinctions and tokens of a commemorative or honorary character, such as scrolls, certificates, trophies or other items of essentially nominal monetary value. In the case of internationally recruited staff members serving at a non-family duty station, or in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Secretary-General, leave shall be granted for a total period of up to eight weeks; (ii)           The leave may be taken either continuously or in separate periods during the year following the birth of the child, provided that it is completed during that year and within the duration of the contract; (iii)          The staff member shall receive paternity leave with full pay for the entire duration of his absence. Found inside – Page 119The chef sued the hotel and won his job back—including back wages—because there was no specific policy about this in the hotel's employee handbook. Within two days, the corporate office amended the handbook to specifically include a ... (d)           Placement on administrative leave shall be without prejudice to the rights of the staff member and shall not constitute a disciplinary measure. In exceptional circumstances, a change in the place in the country of home leave may be authorized, under conditions established by the Secretary-General; (ii)           A staff member who has served with another public international organization immediately preceding his or her appointment shall have the place of home leave determined as though his or her entire previous service with the other international organization had been with the United Nations; (iii)          The Secretary-General may authorize: a. (e)           The provisions of paragraph (d) above insofar as they relate to staff members in the General Service and related categories shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such staff members have received consideration for suitable posts available within their parent organization at their duty station. A determination of total disability under the Staff Rules shall be independent of a finding of disability under the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. paragraph 3, of the Charter; (v)           If facts anterior to the appointment of the staff member and relevant to his or her suitability come to light that, if they had been known at the time of his or her appointment, should, under the standards established in the Charter, have precluded his or her appointment; (vi)          In the interest of the good administration of the Organization and in accordance with the standards of the Charter, provided that the action is not contested by the staff member concerned; (b)           In addition, in the case of a staff member holding a continuing appointment, the Secretary-General may terminate the appointment without the consent of the staff member if, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, such action would be in the interest of the good administration of the Organization, to be interpreted principally as a change or termination of a mandate, and in accordance with the standards of the Charter; (c)           If the Secretary-General terminates an appointment, the staff member shall be given such notice and such indemnity payment as may be applicable under the Staff Regulations and Rules. (c)           Subject to conditions established by the Secretary-General, a staff member who has successfully completed the competitive examination and completed one year of service under a fixed-term appointment or who holds a continuing appointment and who is called upon to serve in the armed forces of the State of which the staff member is a national, whether for training or active duty, may be granted special leave without pay for the duration of such military service, in accordance with terms and conditions set forth in appendix C to the present Rules. Senior review bodies and central review bodies. (e)           The official departure date is normally the day on which travel must start to allow the traveller to arrive at the place of official business before the commencement of duties. (c)           Staff members have the duty to report any breach of the Organization’s regulations and rules to the officials whose responsibility it is to take appropriate action and to cooperate with duly authorized audits and investigations. Found inside – Page 9-100determined that the “accountable plan” and “working-condition fringe benefit” rules also apply to nonresident aliens. ... (temporary) regulations to fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, and staff on ships. (g)          A staff member to whom boarding assistance is payable under paragraph (ii) or (iii) of appendix B to the present Rules in respect of the child’s attendance at an educational institution at the primary or secondary level shall be entitled to travel expenses for the child of one return journey each scholastic year between the educational institution and the duty station, under conditions established by the Secretary-General. The guest has the right to review and correct its personal data. Found inside – Page 247power in other revenue - generating areas of the hotel , such as restaurant and bar . ... Surprisingly , in 82 per cent of the sample hotels staff still referred to management on a daily basis for instructions on ... However, in accordance with staff rule 4.7 (d), where both spouses are staff members and the spouse who separates first is entitled to unaccompanied shipment or relocation shipment, his or her entitlement shall not cease until two years after the date of separation of the other spouse. (a)           The joint staff-management machinery provided for in staff regulation 8.2 shall consist of: (i)            Joint advisory committees or corresponding staff-management bodies, at designated duty stations, normally composed of not fewer than three and not more than seven staff representatives and an equal number of representatives of the Secretary-General; (ii)           A Secretariat-wide joint staff-management body composed of equal numbers of representatives of the staff and representatives of the Secretary-General. If the Secretary-General rejects the request, the staff member may then submit a request for suspension of action to the Dispute Tribunal under (d)           Unaccompanied shipments shall normally be made in one consignment, and related expenses shall be reimbursed on the basis of the maximum entitlement provided under the present rule for transportation by the most economical means, as determined by the Secretary-General, between the places of departure and destination of the staff member on official travel or his or her family members. (a)           Boards of examiners established by the Secretary-General shall ensure the regularity of the competitive examinations administered in accordance with conditions established by the Secretary-General. All rights, including title, copyright and patent rights, in any work performed by a staff member as part of his or her official duties shall be vested in the United Nations. (f)            A staff member may, in exceptional circumstances, be granted advance annual leave up to a maximum of 10 working days, provided that his or her service is expected to continue for a period beyond that necessary to accrue the leave so advanced. The Staff Regulations embody the fundamental conditions of service and the basic rights, duties and obligations of the United Nations Secretariat. CLUB RULES, REGULATIONS & BYELAWS. (d)           If the necessities of service require abolition of a post or reduction of the staff and subject to the availability of suitable posts for which their services can be effectively utilized, staff members with permanent appointments shall be retained in preference to those on all other types of appointments, provided that due regard shall be given in all cases to relative competence, integrity and length of service. Found inside – Page 383As to the other alleged unlawful rules— “ Employee Use of Hotel Facilities ” and “ Discussing Company Business " -- we ... Any violation of the rules and regulations , policies and procedures of this company may result in disciplinary ... Earlier amendments to the Staff Regulations. The payment shall be calculated: (i)            For staff in the Professional and higher categories, on the basis of the staff member’s net base salary plus post adjustment; (ii)           For staff in the Field Service category, on the basis of the staff member’s net base salary plus post adjustment; (iii)          For staff in the General Service and related categories, on the basis of the staff member’s gross salary, including language allowance, if any, less staff assessment according to the schedule of rates set forth in staff (f)            The amount of the grant to be paid when the staff member’s period of service or the child’s school attendance does not cover the full school year shall be prorated under conditions to be defined by the Secretary-General. 7. 3.3 The use of identification cards specified in these Rules and Regulations must be strictly observed. The Secretary-General shall establish a scheme for the payment of repatriation grants in accordance with the maximum rates and under the conditions specified in annex IV of these Regulations. Warning letters in any company are issued when an employee breaks the rules and regulations of the company. Staff members shall be eligible for home leave provided that the following conditions are fulfilled: (i)            The staff member’s service is expected by the Secretary-General to continue: a. Compensation or other forms of recourse provided under the present rules constitute the sole remedy for service-incurred death, injury or illness. The provisional rules and amendments reported by the Secretary-General, taking into account such modifications and/or deletions as may be directed by the General Assembly, shall enter into full force and effect on 1 January following the year in which the report is made to the Assembly. (a)       Salary advances may be made to staff members under the following circumstances and conditions: (i)        Upon departure on extended official travel or on approved leave involving absence from duty for 17 or more calendar days, including the end‑month pay day in the amount that would fall due for payment during the anticipated pay period(s) occurring during the staff member’s absence; (ii)       In cases where staff members have not received their regular pay, through no fault of their own, in the amount due; (iii)      Upon separation from service, where final settlement of pay accounts cannot be made at the time of departure, subject to the advance not exceeding 80 per cent of the estimated final net payments due; (iv)      In cases where new staff members arrive without sufficient funds, in such amount as the Secretary-General may deem appropriate; (v)       Upon change of official duty station, in such amounts as the Secretary-General may deem appropriate.

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