mitsuo fuchida interview

Commander Mitsuo Fuchida plunged Japan into war with the US on December 7, 1941 when he led the attack on Pearl Harbor. His little three-seater climbed through the cloud bank. And without knowing it, following the pattern of believers, he began to tell others. Three young sailors from my hometown had died in that attack. This God had come to earth not as an emperor, or a military hero, but as a humble workingman. That interview was telecast on Graham’s “Hour of Decision” on Dec. 7, 1952. This was an interview with Mitsuo Fuchida about his experiences. In Drake’s 1971 interview, Fuchida said his grandfather’s tales of former days of glory influenced his choice to pursue a military career. Another major mistake was being overconfident, even cocky. The former enemies embraced as brothers in Christ. Mitsuo Fuchida had agreed to the interview, Elizabeth quoted from his letter, because of “love for America.” Meanwhile, in Tokyo, war crimes trials had begun. Pearl Harbor: Finding Forgiveness for Mitsuo Fuchida,, A Grieving Mother Finds Comfort in the Face of Jesus, How 80-Year-Old Hibiscus Seeds Reassured This Reluctant Retiree, A Cancer Patient Places Herself in His Comforting Hands, How Passover Helps Us Emerge from Life’s ‘Narrow Straits’, How Her Faith Helped Her Face Up to Overwhelming Medical Debt. —Marvin Olasky. The story of Mitsuo Fuchida is a fascinating one, and Christians can easily understand why he … For two hours, as the first wave of fighters and bombers, then the second, shrieked in beneath him, Fuchida directed the assault on the harbor and adjacent airfields. Pearl Harbor Veteran Recalls Coming Eye-to-Eye With a Japanese Bomber. He had seen the bombs drop and the US ships blow up. He later learned the pilot was Mitsuo Fuchida, a captain in the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service credited with leading the first wave of attacks at Pearl Harbor. His father was a principal of a grammar school and Fuchida himself was a very solid student who gained admission to Japan’s Naval Academy, Eta Jima, in 1921. 3. Hatred for the West was implicit in love for his country and its divine emperor. All night from the deck of the lead carrier Fuchida scanned the starless sky. Nine days later Japan surrendered, and a feeling of despair settled over Fuchida and millions of his countrymen. Fuchida spent the rest of his life as an evangelist. 4 He returned to Japan to preach the gospel. Kanegasaki recounted that Peggy Covell, 2 who cared for Japanese prisoners, had parents who had been missionaries and were captured by Japanese soldiers. Mitsuo Fuchida took part in the attacking of Pearl Harbor. A valuable record of major events, it is also the personal story of a man swept along by his times. READ MORE: FDR'S LITTLE WHITE BOOK GAVE HIM COMFORT. Stunned, I asked the hotel for another interpreter. The Japanese captured them and DeShazer was in several POW camps for 40 months, 34 of the months were solitary confinement. DeShazer loved the Japanese? Instead, he moved his wife and children to a farm owned by relatives and supported them by what he grew from the soil. His autobiography was "discovered" in 2007 in his son's basement library in New Jersey, nearly 66 years after the event that changed the world. Snow capped peaks in the Olympic Mountains, Sea Shore on West Coast of Vancouver Island, Small alpine lake in the Olympic Mountains, Near the small town of Ucluelet, British Columbia, Canada, Shoreline near Ucluelet, British Columbia, Canada, ただ主の十字架に — How Deep the Father's Love for Us, Pearl Harbor pilot became evangelist: He survived Pearl Harbor, Midway, Guam and Hiroshima, Attack At Pearl Harbor, 1941: The Japanese View, Baptism by Fire: Pearl Harbor, the Hand of God, and Mitsuo Fuchida, Jacob Daniel DeShazer, 6584514, Staff Sergeant Bombardier Crew 16, Flight Into Eternity: His Hatred Turned to Love, Alumnus Jake DeShazer Fought for the Hearts of His Enemies. “I am Mitsuo Fuchida. He Mitsuo Fuchida has been listed as a level-5 vital article in People, Military leaders. The youth certainly won't receive this instruction at church. The former enemies embraced as brothers in Christ. He was disgusted with the idea of war trials and thought that everyone should know that war was war and that cruel acts occurred on both sides. December 7, 1941 – ‘A Date Which Will Live in Infamy’. I remember reading his book on Midway but wouldn't have imagined he ever went on a US talk show. Mitsuo Fuchida became entangled through war...and later through friendship. The following day, Fuchida was part of an assessment team who went to Hiroshima to survey the damage. This article has been rated as Start-Class Signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. Because of his family, Fuchida did not commit suicide as many officers did. Japan has been a very difficult mission field but it also has remarkable stories, and here’s one: How Mitsuo Fuchida, the flight commander who led At 06:00 hours, Captain Fuchida led the first wave of 183 attack aircraft towards Pearl Harbor. Mr. Bennett has, in essence, thrown down the gauntlet and tried to restore Fuchida’s reputation by attacking mine. My name is Mitsuo Fuchida." Many of us know the story of John Newton and his change from enslaving men physically to freeing them spiritually. When Fuchida’s torpedo detonated on the USS Oklahoma, Kennedy went to his station to hoist signal flags, but was prevented by the attempted bombing of the Sacramento. I dreamed of becoming, like him, a naval officer.”, SHOP OUR SELECTION OF BIBLES AND BIBLE REFERENCE BOOKS. ‘I looked up to you all my life,’ he said, ‘and now I must kill you.’”, “I told him the story I have told you—with the knife pricking my throat the entire time.”, “At the end he lowered the knife. Mitsuo Fuchida had agreed to the interview, I quoted from his letter, because of “love for America.” Surely a strange emotion in the man who had led the attack on us? In Peggy’s case Fuchida saw no rationale for Peggy’s forgiveness or a higher obligation to love someone, especially an enemy. From November 25 through December 20, 1996, the Ganos shared their experiences by answering questions from students on Scholastic's Web site. On August 6th, the US military dropped an atom bomb on the city. The Japanese had two plans ready for the attack on the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor: one if they achieved “surprise,” and another for “no surprise.” The officer responsible for ordering the correct plan was Commander Fuchida, the first-wave strike’s tactical commander. At 07:40 he opened his cockpit and fired a green flare into the air to let the other Japanese pilots know the attack was to proceed as planned. If parents don't pass on our Christian history, the youth won't know these remarkable examples of faith in action. However, he met his former flight engineer Kazuo Kanegasaki at Uraga Harbor who told him that he was treated well as a prisoner of war. Sure enough, it was the account of an American soldier named Jacob DeShazer, who had spent nearly three and a half years in a Japanese concentration camp. For more inspiring stories, subscribe to Guideposts magazine. Why would the Covell parents pray for their enemies who would shortly behead them? The examples of Peggy Covell and Jacob DeShazer created a desire in Fuchida to know more about the Christian god. Fuchida was not able to participate because he had appendicitis. The following account, based on interviews with Fuchida conducted between 1948 and 1967, … DeShazer returned to the USA and attended Seattle Pacific College, now known as Seattle Pacific University. On the morning of December 7, 1941 Paul Kennedy found himself staring straight at … “But though we knew the war was lost, no one spoke of surrender.” Until the atom bomb fell. “He only walked away. He resolved to someday bring the message of salvation to Japan. Tora! Fuchida, called on to testify, felt the trials were a sham. After a moment, DeShazer recognized the name and said, "Come in, come in." He had betrayed his country, turned to the foreigners’ God. He remained over Pearl Harbor until the second wave of attack finished to see the extend of the damage to the US military installations. DeShazer answered and Fuchida said, "I have desired to meet you, Mr. DeShazer. Interview with Eyewitnesses Johnie and Dale Gano. With a new translator, we found seats in the nearly empty restuarant and I drew out my list of questions. “That was nothing,” Fuchida said. W5's Doug Johnston interviews Japanese pilot who led the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. Told them he’d found the answer to despair and defeat. That man, the man he had once been, had felt only hatred for Western nations: Britain, France, the United States, and the other colonial powers that dominated Asia. Fuchida spent the rest of his life as an evangelist. But what he did understand, as the weeks went by, was that there were not many gods, siding with this nation or that, but one God who loved all nations. It was now 1974, more than 30 years later. “Impossible.”. Word of the conversion of the nation’s hero reached the media, and the torrent burst. Soon after he began reading the Bible, Fuchida recalled being “strongly impressed and captivated." At last, using binoculars to peer through the tiniest rift in the clouds, he caught a glimpse of coastline. Early in his training at Eta Jima, Fuchida volunteered for flight training. On August 5th 1945, Fuchida was in Hiroshima attending a military conference when he was abruptly summoned to Tokyo. READ MORE: WAR HEROES PROVIDE ANSWER TO AUTHOR'S PRAYER, He turned to the radio operator behind him and sent out the signal to attack. As he read the gospels, he came to understand the reason for the forgiveness that motivated Peggy and Jake. The armed forces newspaper Stars and Stripes gave WORLD permission to run the following, first published on Dec. 7, 2008, and based on an interview with Fuchida by Hal Drake that first ran in 1971. Following the war, Gen. Douglas MacArthur summoned Fuchida to testify in Tokyo. What could have been the man’s objection? Even old friends turned away from him on the street. Eventually, he established a church in Nagoya, the very city he had bombed years before. One thing I've noticed with the passing of years is that Christian children have very little knowledge of their Christian heritage and the heroes of the faith. This is the man, those tensed muscles told me, who led the Japanese planes over Pearl Harbor. It departed from the deck of the carrier the USS Hornet and dropped its bombs over Nagoya, Japan. Hate mail, abusive phone calls, threats to his wife and children. A young ex-lieutenant, a flyer named Yamashita, had come to his home. He was rescued and later treated. Why would Peggy return to Japan to assist with the Japanese POWs? When the Akagi was hit by American aircraft, he had to evacuate the bridge by lowering himself down by a rope. Recently, as I was driving into town with one of my grandsons to have lunch, he mentioned to me that it was December 7th, the day in 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. By closing this banner or continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies. But my muscles had gone suddenly rigid. the man’s objection? His plane was hit 21 times by anti-aircraft fire. The fleet was there. Some of those on trial had been accused of mistreating prisoners of war. Eventually, the parents were captured by the Japanese and executed Sunday morning, December 19, 1943. Something to do with the trials, he supposed; he put it into his pocket to read on the train going home. In 1949, Fuchida purchased a Bible near the same Shibuya Station where he had received the pamphlet. The next time he was called to testify, Fuchida went to a Tokyo bookstore and bought a Bible. He tells you why he decided to become a aviation officer and his point of view on pearl harbor. On December 7, 1941 the lives of Staff Sergeant Jacob DeShazer and Capt. As a result he was chosen to help plan and then to lead the air assault on Pearl Harbor. Shop Now, Follow the Guideposts special series, Overcoming Addiction Visit Now. to flagship Akagi, informing them that the attack was commenced with total surprise; Tora was the acronym for totsugeki raigeki, "torpedo attack" and in Japanese Tora means tiger. “That man here today—the first translator!” I broke in. He began to learn Japanese and to treat his captors with respect. Jacob DeShazer was the bombardier of B-25 No.16. Hadn’t Fuchida been Japan’s great hero? In this story, which first appeared on the 50th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Sherrill remembers a man she didn’t want to meet. PEGGY COVELL NEVER MET A JAPANESE POW. As they burst above it the sun stood on the eastern horizon, rays streaming seaward in a pattern resembling that on the Japanese flag. Walk over to him, I told myself. 19 Feb 1942 Mitsuo Fuchida led the first of two waves of attacks during a raid on Darwin, Australia. A fourth member, Lt. Bob Meder, died of starvation. In those days Japanese airplanes had no radar, and so they depended on visual contact. In fact, before the soldiers beheaded them, her parents asked for and were granted 30 minutes to pray for their executioners. During the Battle of Midway, Capt. With a new translator, they found seats in the nearly empty restaurant and Elizabeth drew out her list of questions. There it all was, the by-now hideously familiar story of kickings, beatings, starvation. Only one force could stop them: the powerful U.S. Pacific Fleet, stationed at Pearl Harbor. Video Software we use: Ad-free videos. Told them God had not come to lead armies, but to lead men and women out of hatred into love. I saw myself today too. She claimed, “Because Japanese soldiers killed my parents.’’ Kanegasaki could not provide an answer for Fuchida. Captain (海軍中佐) Fuchida 1 had risen through the ranks of the Japanese Naval Air Force while logging over 10,000 hours of flight time, mostly from the decks of Japanese aircraft carriers. Fuchida was hospitalized for months; then, on crutches, he was assigned to the war college. This website gives a longer interview. Togo!”, The admiral became the idol of Fuchida’s boyhood. I asked him if he knew the story of Captain Mitsuo Fuchida (1902-1976) of the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service. The reasons I placed caveats around Fuchida's statement that he attended the surrender ceremony on board U.S.S. Mitsuo Fuchida's memoirs are really two stories in one book. All of the assessment team eventually died from radiation poisoning except for Fuchida. But—what was this he was reading? The recap of his actions, observations and experiences in World War II are uncanny and deserve to be widely read and studied by anyone serious about understanding the history of the war in the Pacific. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy. Another Trip To The Drive-thru: Three More Wartime Whoppers Courtesy of Mitsuo Fuchida. Every one of the Imperial Japanese Navy veterans that this author talked to—including Masataka Chihaya, Mitsuo Fuchida, and Minoru Genda—repeated in interview after interview that they thought they were unbeatable and had what they termed “victory disease.” To tell others and dropped its bombs over Nagoya, Japan ’ s “ Hour of Decision on... Military hero, but as a character witness hit 21 times by anti-aircraft fire the examples of Covell! This one-time Shintoist had become a Christian, 34 of the train going home returned home to become aviation! 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