persistence of time

However, the reader shall recall that in § 1b we distinguished two aspects which are mixed together in the canonical definition of endurantism offered above. Colorful as it is, Lewis’ stance misfires. In particular, she might argue that the further ontological commitments of the stage view is fully justified because of the failures of endurantism (§ 2), or she might argue that a philosopher should not be scared to make all the ontological commitments that she sees fit, for what reasons do we have to believe that the world is not more complex than our simplest theories? While at some earlier and later times the table definitely does or does not exist, there are some times at which it simply is indeterminate whether the table still exists. While the Heraclitean maxim denies that anything survives change and persists through time, we normally assume that some things do survive change and do persist through time. A second way to block these two more sophisticated forms consists in bringing time into the picture. For example, under the view that we called locative three-dimensionalism, whole presence simply translates as exact location: a persisting object is wholly present at each instant of its persistence in the sense that it is exactly located at each instantaneous time or spacetime region of its persistence. Varzi, A., 2003, “Naming the Stages”, Dialectica, 57: 387–412. Miller, K., 2004, “Enduring Special Relativity”, Southern Journal of Philosophy 42, 349-70. $15 was $20. Change requires difference and identity. For the time being, suffice it to say that both forms of endurantism are controversial. According to Ockham’s razor, this commitment is to be avoided if possible, and any theory which is less ontologically committed is, ceteris paribus, preferable with respect to one which has more ontological commitment (see The Razor). For instance, they have different properties. In any case, it should be noted that so far, we have tried to characterize the notion of whole presence in mereological terms. Geach, P. T., 1972, Logic Matters, Oxford: Blackwell. New York: Macmillan Press. Arntzenius, F., 2011, “The CPT theorem”, in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, eds. Whitehead, A. N., 1920, The Concept of Nature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A veritable contradiction and veritable violation of Leibniz’ law would only result from the possession of incompatible properties at the same time. Since the statue and the lump of clay have different properties, we must conclude that they are numerically different, in virtue of Leibniz’s law. Russell, B., 1914. Lewis, D., 1976, “Survival and Identity”, in Amelie Rorty (ed. Brink, D. O., 1997, “Rational Egoism and the Separateness of Persons”, in J. Dancy (ed.) Stout, R., 2016, “The Category of Occurrent Continuants”, Mind, 125 (497): 41-62. A first four-dimensional entity includes temporal parts up to the point at which the first atom is removed, a second four-dimensional entity includes temporal parts up to the point at which the second atom is removed, and so on until we get to a four-dimensional entity that includes temporal parts up to the point at which only one atom of the table remains. Furthermore, objects do not usually allow for co-location, at least not to the extent in which events do (Casati and Varzi 1999, Hacker 1982). The stage view is subject to a similar objection. Rea, M., 1995, “The Problem of Material Constitution”, Philosophical Review, 104: 525–52. This statement cannot be taken care of in terms of counterparts. Moreover, as regards the difference in modal properties, the perdurantist might just accept the aforementioned solution: the claim that the clay, and not the statue, can survive reshaping translates into the claim that in a possible world in which the clay is reshaped, the actual clay, numerically identical to the statue, has a clay-counterpart but not a statue-counterpart (Hawley 2001). Compare this with the spatial case. Both material objects and events, or at least some of them, seem to persist through time. Hofweber, T., & Lange, M., 2017, “Fine’s fragmentalist interpretation of special relativity” Nous, 51(4), 871–883. The stage viewer will probably adopt a similar answer in the modal case as well. (Endurantists include Baker (1997, 2000); Burke (1992, 1994); Chisholm (1976); Doepke (1982); Gallois (1998); Geach (1972a); Haslanger (1989); Hinchliff (1996); Johnston (1987); Lombard (1994); Lowe (1987, 1988, 1995); Mellor (1981, 1998); Merricks (1994, 1995); Oderberg (1993); Rea (1995, 1997, 1998); Simons (1987); Thomson (1983, 1998); van Inwagen (1981, 1990a, 1990b); Wiggins (1968, 1980); Zimmerman (1996). What is it so special about that atom that makes the table stop existing? And in contemporary logic and metaphysics, the two laws are expressed in formulas in which time seems to play no role: Do such principles require a modification in light of the claim that incompatible properties are had at different times? Suppose x and y share all parts at the same time. Tib is a part of Tibbles, and hence they are numerically different. If we combine the stage view with universalism, we get to an ontology in which the stages compose four-dimensional objects which are just like the four-dimensional objects of the perdurantist. This is hardly the crux of the problem, since many endurantists claim that the notion itself, when applied to events, makes perfect sense (Lowe 1987). The first one is the case of a statue of Socrates and the lump of clay it is made of. However, if this is what the perdurantist really means, she would presumably be violating the difference condition. The intuitive gloss related to exact location suggests that it is interestingly linked to shape, and thus offers us a way of making a more precise sense of what is it for something to be three- or four-dimensional. Under such a view, the possibility of endurantism coincides with the possibility for a single object to participate in numerically different events (Costa 2017, Simons 2000a). Rather, two numerically different temporal parts of it are hot and cold. Apart from these locative options, we have also remarked that there are non-locative theories of persistence, and that such theories require the rejection of spacetime unitism. Balashov, Y. The strategy consists in arguing that the intuition that is supposed to disfavor the stage view does not really disfavor it. However, this solution requires the endurantist to buy presentism. 79–88. It has also been remarked that the endurantist might in principle mimic the perdurantist solution, along the following lines. We cover some of these objections below. Let us start with perdurantism. It might also be the case that in some other possible world, with a different set of laws of nature, objects would not bump into each other, but rather pass through each other unaffected, and thus allow for co-location (Sider 2001). Cross, R., 1999, “Four-dimensionalism and Identity Across Time: Henry of Ghent vs. Bonaventure”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 37: 393–414. London/New York: Macmillan/St Martin’s Press. Since the relevant stages are numerically different from each other, under the stage view there is no change, but only replacement. One option could be to say that the kind of indeterminacy here involved is merely epistemic. Dalí returned to the theme of this painting with the variation The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (1954), showing his earlier famous work systematically fragmenting into smaller component elements, and a series of rectangular blocks which reveal further imagery through the gaps between them, implying something beneath the surface of the original work; this work is now in the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, while the original Persistence of Memory remains at the Museum of M… Such reasons are now usually discarded. Hudson, H., 2006, “Simple Statues”, Philo 9: 40-46. An Argument for ‘Atomless Gunk’”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 5 (1): 1–29. How would an endurantist make sense of temporary exemplification—of, say, Socrates being sick at time t? (Stage viewers include Hawley (2001), Sider (1996, 2001), Varzi (2003).). This claim is also accepted by several endurantists, who believe that while objects endure, events perdure. Damiano Costa These mereological and locative consequences of perdurantism are supposed to be counter-intuitive: intuitively, we would say that what we have in front of us in the cases described are a whole tree and a whole person, and that we are not extended in time like we are in space, or like events are supposed to be. All those mental events take time, and thus cannot possibly be possessed by instantaneous stages. If there are such cases, the objection goes, endurantists have a hard time making sense of them, while their alleged problematicity simply disappears if perdurantism or the stage view are assumed (Sider 2001). We should distinguish: (i) the mereological question of whether persisting objects have temporal parts, and (ii) the locative question of whether objects are exactly located at temporally extended, four-dimensional spacetime regions or rather at temporally unextended, three-dimensional regions only. However, it is worth noting that even if all of them require a bit of revisionism, the endurantist might actually argue the kind of revisionism they involve is less nefarious than the revisionism required to reject endurantism itself (Sider 2001, 98). The unintelligibility of the view should rather come from some other aspect of the view. Ordinary persisting objects do not have temporal parts. Then, she will benefit from the flexibility of the temporal counterpart relation to make sense of the alleged different properties of the statue and the clay. The objection was that change requires the numerical identity of the subject of change before and after the process of change. The second one consists in giving up on change: if change really requires the original identity condition, then let it be: philosophy has taught us that where we believed there to be change, there really only is replacement (Simons 2000b; Lombard 1994). persistence of time est donc pour moi un disque sur lequel anthrax se fait moins accessible par rapport à spreading the disease et surtout among the living, et même si le groupe est plus inspiré que sur state of euphoria, on sent que quelque chose ne tourne plus tout à fait rond. Favourite. Rather, it seems that we created something that did not exist before. The reason is that many contemporary stage viewers believe in a mereological doctrine called ‘universalism’, or also ‘unrestricted fusion’. In the former case, (1) becomes. And sharing some features is not a sufficient condition to belonging to the same ontological category. In both cases, the endurantist is in trouble. According to mereological universalism, given a series of entities, no matter how scattered and unrelated, there is an object composed of those entities (see Compositional Universalism). According to this option, mystery has to do with the absence of an indispensable explanation. This form of endurantism is committed to the possibility of multi-location, that is, to the possibility of a single entity having more than one exact location. The stage viewer’s rejoinder might here be that these beliefs are perhaps too technical to be common sense or that, in any case, what really matters is that the stage viewer is able to make sense of and to validate cognate statements that are framed in terms which are much more mundane, such as “I was once a child” (Sider 2001). This chapter presents contemporary theories of persistence from their most basic (§ 1a) to their most advanced forms (§ 1b and § 1c). Such views are immune from the specific problems of locative three-dimensionalism and of simplism. 3–20. Moreover, the intuition that [there is just one statue-shaped object at that time] arguably remains even if one stipulates that counting is to be identity” (Sider 2001, 189). Something perdures if and only if it persists by having different temporal parts at different times. It is not, because it is not, in a sense, big enough: a temporal part of mine at a given time must be as big as I am at that time. Location in Physics and the Metaphysics of Persistence”, Dialectica 70(3), 269-309. Section 3c reviewed an argument against perdurantism to the effect that it involved systematic and yet mysterious cases of coming into existence. This linguistic data might suggest two intuitions. This article surveys the main contemporary theories of persistence through time, such as three-dimensionalism, four-dimensionalism and the stage view (§ 1), and reviews the main objections proposed against them (§ 2, 3, 4). Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. Audio CD, Remixes included, Import, Aug. 7 1990. However, temporal parts might be defined by means of the binary, timeless notion as well. Oderberg, D., 2004, “Temporal Parts and the Possibility of Change”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 69.3: 686–703. However, this requires a certain deal of metaphysical revisionism. So, while under the stage view there might be four-dimensional objects, so-called ordinary objects (such as “Socrates”) are not identified with them, but rather with the stages (Sider 2001, Varzi 2003). Perdurantism is the claim that objects have one feature that is usually—and not universally—attributed to events, that is, having temporal parts. However, the endurantist will not want to just accept without qualification that different objects can thus coincide. Persistence of Time sounds less bombastic, undisciplined thrash metal like Among the Living and State of Euphoria but instead grasps a more gloomy undertone while adding maturity to Anthrax’s music. A spatial part of me, such as my left hand, is certainly not outside time, but it is not a temporal part of mine. Changes, processes, and prolonged states, if any, are notable examples of events. We have discussed how a perdurantist might try to offer an explanation for the continuous coming into existence of new temporal parts. This theory is called the ‘stage view’, or also ‘exdurantism’. 8, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. Can one be a perdurantist and also a presentist? We shall not here tackle the question of whether endurantism has been proven false (see § 2 for this). il s'écoute en demandant plus d'attention que ses prédécesseurs et s'apprivoise plus difficilement. Balashov, Y. (ed. fi Albumi oli laulaja Joey Belladonnan viimeinen studioalbumi Anthraxin kanssa ennen 2011 julkaistua Worship Musicia. At first, one might be baffled by the sheer number of enduring, coinciding, and table-like entities that the solution requires. 6:25 PREVIEW Gridlock. Rather, endurantists tend to use the temporary notion of parthood—x is part of y at t. Sider suggests that maybe the sense of unintelligibility comes from the fact that perdurantists tend to use a mereological notion that endurantists take to be unintelligible—or to yield unintelligible claims when applied to everyday material objects. This is the argument from counting against perdurantism (Sider 2001). Of course, she will agree, in normal circumstances different objects cannot thus coincide. They indeed have different temporal properties: the clay, but not the statue, has the property of existing at times before the statue was created. Intuitively, we would like to answer that there has been only one. One of the central debates of contemporary metaphysics is the debate as to whether only the present exists, or rather past, present and future all equally exist (Sider 2001). While perdurantism is by definition committed to four-dimensional entities, the stage view is by definition only committed to the existence of instantaneous stages. First, we have defined locative three-dimensionalism, according to which persisting objects are exactly located at temporally unextended regions only. They just need to be related by the counterpart relation. (eds. 2. Moreover, it is important to note that several arguments have been drawn from physics for and against theories of persistence presented in this article, among which figure several arguments against endurantism, namely the shrinking chair argument (Balashov 2014; Gibson and Pooley 2006; Gilmore 2006; Sattig 2006), the explanatory argument (Balashov 1999; Gibson and Pooley 2006; Gilmore 2008; Miller 2004; Sattig 2006), the location argument (Gibson and Pooley 2006; Gilmore 2006; Rea 1998; Smart 1972), the superluminar objects argument (Balashov 2003, Gilmore 2006, Hudson 2005; Torre 2015), the invariance argument  (Balashov 2014; Calosi 2015; Davidson 2014) as well as an argument from quantum mechanics against perdurantism (Pashby 2013; 2016). While my instantaneous temporal parts do not persist—they exist at one time only—I am not any of those parts. (How does perdurantism fare with this objection? On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness and Theory Choice, Springer. Part of the meaning of ‘counting’ is that counting is by identity; ‘how many objects’ means ‘how many numerically distinct objects’ (…). Our Knowledge of the External World, London: Allen & Unwin Ltd. Russell, B., 1923, “Vagueness”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology, 1: 84–92. 01. Putative differences between objects and events will then either be considered irrelevant when it comes to metaphysics—for example because they are merely linguistic differences which do not reflect any underlying significant difference in reality—or in any case not enough to imply that objects and events belong to different ontological categories. : MIT Press. In such a case, the perdurantist’s solution seems to be precluded, for the statue and the piece of clay will share all their temporal parts, so they will end up mereologically and spatiotemporally coinciding (Gibbard 1975, Hawley 2001, Mackie 2008, Noonan 1999). Certainly not: other temporal parts of the thing existed before the appearance of that particular temporal part. A different option consists in saying that the statue is nothing else than the lump of clay as long as it possesses the property of being arranged statue-of-Socrates-wise (just like Socrates the philosopher is nothing else than Socrates who possess the property of being a philosopher, and certainly not a second person on top of Socrates). These ancient questions are still at the center of contemporary metaphysics. Crisp, T. M., and D. P. Smith, 2005, “’Wholly Present’ defined”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71(2): 318-344. This section reviews arguments against the stage view, to the effect that it goes against our intuitions (§ 4a),  it makes change impossible (§ 4b), it is committed to mysterious and yet systematic cases of coming into existence ex nihilo (§ 4c), it is ontologically inflationary (§ 4d), it is incompatible with temporal gunk (§ 4e), it is incompatible with our mental life (§ 4f) and it has problems with counting (§ 4g). Rather, we focus on other possible ways in which the perdurantist might respond to this specific challenge. Lewis, D. K., 1986, On the Plurality of Worlds, Oxford: Blackwell. But since the lump of clay existed before, and will exist after, the statue, the lump has some temporal parts that the statue does not have. Some endurantists remain unconvinced by this proposed amendment to the identity condition. This kind of argument seems to disfavor the stage view with respect to endurantism. But there is another option which is worth exploring. We started this article with the question of whether objects persist through time. “Relativistic Persistence”, Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1), 157-198. Wilson, J., Calosi, C., 2019, “Quantum metaphysical indeterminacy”, Philosophical Studies, 176: 2599–2627. Rather, the incompatible properties are had by numerically different temporal parts of said thing. Do all things that persist through time persist in the same way? Due to those problems, and inspired by the spatiotemporal worldview suggested by modern physics, contemporary philosophers have also taken seriously the idea that objects are four-dimensional entities spread out both in space and time, and which divide into parts just like their spatiotemporal location does, and thus persist through time by having different temporal parts at different times, just like events do. Lewis’ point would apply in case where the objector was simply admitting her epistemic limitations. So, under perdurantism and the stage view, temporary exemplification is analyzed as timeless exemplification, and therefore there is no need of adapting LNC or LL in any way: the original timeless reading would do. Something persists through time if and only if it exists at various times. (234) 234 reviews. To be extended in time is for something to be exactly located at a temporally extended spacetime region, while for something to be temporally unextended is for it to be exactly located at temporally unextended spacetime regions only (Gilmore 2006). Notice, though, that the perdurantist might actually reply that permanent coincidence does indeed result in numerical identity. In this somehow tortuous scenario, even if the bronze and the statue might be conceived as enduring, the bronze will count as a temporal part of the statue at the interval of their persistence. (Is it possible for something to be false and also not to make sense? For example, I, like everything else, am numerically identical to myself and to nothing else. But what about cases in which coincidence is permanent? Lowe, E. J., 1995, “Coinciding objects: in defence of the ‘standard account’”, Analysis, 55(3), 171–178. 'Persistence of Time' was released is August 1990, two years after its predecessor 'State of Euphoria'. Too old to mosh! Where do they come from? And they seem to have different modal properties as well: only the clay, and not the statue, can continue to exist even if the clay gets substantially reshaped into, say, a statue of Plato. In particular, it might be argued that our endurantist intuitions are based on the fact that human beings commonly experience reality a time after a time. If t were present, then “Socrates is sick at t” simply would reduce to “Socrates is sick”, full stop. Ordinary material objects do not persist through time; in place of a single persisting object there really is a series of instantaneous stages, each numerically different from the others. The kind of difference required by change is qualitative difference (not being perfectly identical), and not numerical difference (being two instead of one). Balashov, Y., 2014, “Relativistic Parts and Places: A Note on Corner Slices and Shrinking Chairs”, in Calosi, C. and Graziani, P. Pashby, T., 2016, “How Do Things Persist? Persistence Of Time (30th Anniversary Edition). Markosian, N., 2004, “Simples, Stuff and Simple People”, The Monist, 87: 405-428. Hudson, H., 2005, The Metaphysics of Hyperspace, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Its affiliates thing, the stage view, it can hardly be in!, time numbers, and Calosi, C., 2008, “ the CPT theorem ”, of... Time ’ proponent of such a view still has to do with the absence an... 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