where are you

Satan already hated Eve, but God graciously put it into Eve’s heart to hate Satan. When Jesus came it was to live the life that we have failed to live, to die the death that we deserved to die, and to rise again as the head of a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). These aprons that they made speak to us of man’s effort to gain acceptance before God –- compare Romans 10:3; but the garments of skin tell us that an animal had been killed, the blood had been shed, and God Himself had made provision for His children to be ‘’clothed’’ –- look up and compare Isaiah 61:10. GREAT QUESTIONS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT by Francis Dixon (Scripture Portion: Genesis 3:8-9). He graciously seeks hiding sinners. Their fig leaves picture a barrier between them, which is seen even more when God confronts Adam and he blames Eve (3:12). It should have been a time of refreshment and delight, but it now was a time of fear. It’s a relief to wake up and find out that you’re home in bed! Genesis 3:15 tells us how God would defeat Satan: This verse is the earliest promise of a Redeemer, and it comes as a surprise in this context of judgment. Consider the … So they made an attempt to cover themselves with fig leaves. How could He? Before you can be reconciled to God, you’ve got to answer for yourself the question God asked Adam: Where are you? In this sense, “seed” is collective. Rather, it is gracious because His goal is restoration of the relationship, not condemnation. What seemed like Satan’s moment of triumph was actually the eve of his greatest defeat. Why/why not (see Rom. God could have zapped them both on the spot and started over with a new couple. Oh. Let them hide behind those silly fig leaves, cowering in fear every time they hear a noise in the bushes. Jesus said, “The one who comes to Me, I will certainly not cast out” (John 6:37). A group of teenage friends and their Great Dane (Scooby-Doo) travel in a bright green van solving strange and hilarious mysteries, while returning from or going to a regular teenage function. Ooh. Of course, no-one can hide from Him (Psalm 139:1-12; Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 23:24). K. I want to challenge you this morning with the four chairs that have been set on the stage. If someone wrongs us, we may say, “No big deal. This is a small world. Amazing grace! Then God says that this enmity will be between Satan’s seed and the woman’s seed. God’s next question is very direct, “Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” Adam blames his wife and implicitly blames God for giving her to him. (3) The sinner’s guilt is seen in his response to God. (2) The sinner’s guilt is seen in his relationships with others. God used this question to get Adam to see that he was corrupted in his heart because he had disobeyed. Faded Lyrics: You were the shadow to my light / Did you feel us? I experience it with people who are running from the Lord. By that I do not mean that God is not pointed and direct. You’ve got to know where you are before you can receive directions to where you need to be. Why/why not? Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or … An inner voice was telling Adam that he was naked and guilty before God. It doesn’t work--our guilt is still there. He could have waited a while. This is scriptural language. Because we all sin, we all need to deal with the problem of guilt. The opposite of saved is not unsaved; it is lost. And even His expelling them from the garden was gracious, in that He protected them from living forever in their fallen condition. The human response to guilt is to hide from the one in authority over you. That you haven't given any thought to your future with the company or life in general. Look at yourself, hiding behind that tree. When they sinned their conscience was activated. God Arraigns Adam and Eve 8 Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. The Bible says that God is after you to save you from the judgment your sin deserves. First, He proves His love to us in that He dealt with Adam’s sin –- He did not overlook it or condone it. ““Where are you?””. When I say that God’s seeking Adam was gracious, I mean that Adam did not deserve to be found and forgiven. Sin always leads to guilt; guilt leads to alienation, both between the sinner and God and between the sinner and his fellow human beings. I need you To need me. But she finally also admits, “and I ate” (3:13). God knew exactly where Adam was. The curse is directed both to the actual snake and to Satan who used the snake for his evil deeds. They hid among the trees. - Countries and nationalities - Short dialogues to act out Level: elementary Age: 8-11 Downloads: 633 "Where Are You?" If you’re of Asian descent, you may have experienced this in a different way: You've heard “Go back to China!” multiple times a year, no matter your heritage. How could you leave me? For example, a tourist might ask you "where do you live? The pastor! Adam is implicitly blaming God when he says, “The woman whom You gave to be with me ...” (3:12). He had rebelled openly and deliberately against God and His great love. Professional management should be running the day-to-day business. Let’s suggest five ways to help us answer God’’s question: There are only two creations –- the old and the new. Does this mean that we should not exhort sinners to seek the Savior? God also proved His love by asking this question in the immediate provision that He made for the nakedness of His children –- Genesis 3:21 tells us about this. (2) That God’s seeking was gracious is seen in the manner He came looking. God cursed the serpent. The fact that Adam now knew he was naked showed that he had a conscience, which he got from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God questioned the man and the woman because He wanted to lead them to repentance; but He did not question the serpent because there was no mercy for him. He does, however, call his mother annually on Mother's Day to assure her of his health and safety, then hangs up, leaving her frantic questions unanswered. Perhaps, like Jonah, you are one of God’s children, and yet you are running from His purpose for your life. GENESIS 3:1-24. It is a remarkable verse in that it refers to the seed of the woman, not the man. The God against whom you have sinned asks, ““Where are you?”” We read in Genesis 2:15-17 of the way in which sin... 3. I want you Here with me To guide me, Hold me And love me now. They were naked! We are either on the side of Christ or on the side of His enemies. The way this works is, people sin and they know they’re guilty, but they rationalize by thinking, “Yes, I was wrong; I shouldn’t have yelled at my wife. Is all guilt unhealthy? Even many professing Christian psychologists, tell us that our problem is low self-esteem; we need to learn to accept ourselves. I’ve read about it on your website, and I … If you do this, you’ll show the interviewer that you’re goal-oriented in your career and have taken the time to think about where you see yourself in five years or more. How many times did I tell you not to eat that fruit? At the cross, Satan bruised Christ on the heel. This has always been the case, and however respectable, refined or educated we may be it is still true that we are either saved or lost –- look up and compare Luke 15:4,24; 19:10; 2 Corinthians 4:3; Mark 16:16; John 10:9; Acts 15:11; 16:30-31; Romans 5:9; 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8. Maybe you’re trying to cover your sin with the fig leaves of your good works. 4:4), the last Adam, who would redeem the fallen race. o There is a play on words here. But the cross was God’s greatest victory, because in it and in the resurrection of Christ, Satan’s final doom was secured. In five years, I want to complete the internal training program for my position. No sinner deserves God’s favor. Don’t worry about it.” But God can’t do that. (and you're also a tourist just like him on the same trip) you may just answer "I live in California." If that is all you can say, that is at least an honest answer, and therefore, it is the most helpful answer you can give. If you had a friend coming to your house for the first time and he called and said that he was lost, you would ask, “Where are you?” If he can tell you where he is, you can tell him how to get to your house. Elsewhere in the Bible descent is determined through the male. Though during this age God allows Satan some leash, so that he wins some battles, he’s going to lose the war! It goes off to tell us our faults. Immediately Adam and Eve lost the open relationship they had enjoyed with one another (“naked and not ashamed,” 2:25). As H. C. Leupold observes, “Here is one of the saddest anticlimaxes of history: They eat, they expect marvelous results, they wait--and there grows on them the sense of shame” (Exposition of Genesis [Baker], p. 154). My heart is half empty. Q. 6)? is an American animated mystery comedy television series produced by Hanna-Barbera for CBS.The series premiered as part of the network's Saturday morning cartoon schedule on September 13, 1969, and aired for two seasons until October 31, 1970. That was pure grace. Created by Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Joseph Barbera. It simply means, ‘‘How do you stand before God and in the light of eternity? He blamed God for all of his troubles and asked WHY bad things happened to him? It doesn’t remove the guilt, but it makes me feel better, at least for a while. Guilty!”. Whatever you do, do not respond, “I don't know.” If the answer doesn't come to you at first, take a few seconds to think about how you have grown over the last five years. You are probably able to take regular dividends out of the company. Adam and Eve woke up and found out they weren’t dreaming. Study 7 HOW CAN A YOUNG MAN KEEP HIS WAY PURE? But its unexpectedness makes God’s grace shine all the brighter. Directed by De Miller. Genesis 3:9 Context. We believe He created our first parents (Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:7). But since he was defeated at the cross, God can offer reconciliation to guilty sinners, and free them from Satan’s domain of darkness (see Col. 1:13; 2:13-15). God calls to Adam and asks the first question attributed to God in the Bible: “Where are you?” (3:9). Two things underscore the fact that God’s seeking was gracious: (1) That God’s seeking was gracious is seen in the fact that He came looking. Let them stew in their own juice. It is therefore the God against whom we have sinned who asks us, ““Where are you?””. Verse 14 applies mostly to the snake as an animal; verse 15 applies mostly to Satan. Study 1 WHERE ARE YOU? “If You hadn’t given her to me, God, I wouldn’t be in this mess. That’s grace! That’s how to deal with your guilt. Study 8 WATCHMAN, WHAT IS LEFT OF THE NIGHT. 2. a term used to ask a person how they are. But when Christ arose from the dead, the serpent was crushed on the head. Whether you want to change the default icon of a certain folder or the icon of a shortcut you have created, you might wonder where you could find new icons. The song placed second, becoming the UK's fifteenth entry to place in that position. But here it is the seed of the woman, not the man, who will bruise Satan’s head. When we turn to the New Testament we find very clear statements about the creation in John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17. How can a couple break out of the guilt-blame cycle in a marriage? I don't want to be separated from You anymore. But Adam and Eve didn’t want to see Him. Your guilt may make you think that God is after you to punish you. I want to receive Jesus Christ and His forgiveness into my life. L. I believe that these chairs will give all of us a good indication of where we are. But she provoked me.” It’s like a scale, where I have a pile of guilt on one side, but rather than clearing it off the scale, I balance it by piling blame on the other side. But the real problem was, and still is, it is a fearful thing to be exposed as a guilty sinner in the presence of God. And so instead of coming to God, who can deal with our sin, we run, foolishly thinking that we can hide from His omnipresent gaze. WHERE ARE YOU? M. If I ask you to come up here and sit in one of these chairs—please come and sit in the appropriate chair. Show me what to be, yeah. God doesn’t seek us because we deserve it. He’s trying to save his own skin, even if God zaps his wife off the face of the earth. If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. When Adam sinned, he became lost with reference to God. 1. Best-selling books, like Healing the Shame That Binds You [Health Communications, Inc.], by recovery guru John Bradshaw, promise to rid us of “toxic shame” by “Using affirmations, visualizations, ‘inner voice’ and ‘feeling’ work plus guided meditations and other useful healing techniques” (Back cover). But notice what he says (3:10): “I was afraid because I was naked.” Not, “because I sinned,” but, “because I was naked.” He had been naked every other time the Lord had walked with him in the garden. And so here, in this context when Adam and Eve could rightly have expected to be condemned to hell for their sin, God promises the defeat of Satan and the victory of the Redeemer who would come from Eve’s descendents. They think that God came looking for Adam and Eve in the garden, chewed them out, cursed everything in sight, kicked them out of the garden, and locked the door behind them. Look at Genesis 3:9 and listen for the tenderness, the compassion and the concern in this question that God asks of His children. This refers to the battle of the ages between the ungodly, who are children of their father, the devil (John 8:44), and the children of God. God never ignores sin or brushes it aside, as we do. Isaiah 59:1-2 ESV / 12 helpful votes. Adam is the head of the old creation, but the Lord Jesus is the head of the new creation. / Where are you now Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! If you want to see your custom templates on the Personal tab when you start an Office program, here’s how to do this. Which is true of you? God’s presence was a theophany, an appearance of Jesus Christ in human form before He was born of Mary thousands of years later. So God asks another question: “Who told you that you were naked?” This question was intended to show Adam that something new had taken place inside him, namely, the birth of his conscience. What specific counsel could you give such a couple. We see that: God graciously seeks, confronts, and offers reconciliation to the guilty sinner. (1) The sinner’s guilt is seen in the sinner himself. INTRODUCTION: • The Story of Genesis 2:15-17 • Chapter 3 • 1-6 – The Temptation And Fall. We deserve His judgment, but He seeks us to save us. You know that he’s done something wrong! 3. a term used to ask a person how far along they are, i.e. But it’s the way every sinner tends to deal with guilt. Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool (lit., “the wind”) of the day. Whenever God asks a question, it is not to gain information. That would minimize the seriousness of sin and compromise His holiness and justice. Genesis 3:7-10 tells us of the efforts that Adam and Eve made to hide from God. God’s question told Adam two things: “You’re lost, Adam; and, I’ve come to find you.” Every person needs to know the same two things: He is lost without Jesus Christ; and, Christ came to seek and to save those who are lost. Copyright 1996, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved. It is not surprising that the enemy of our souls offers many counterfeit solutions. While there are lots of websites that offer custom made icon sets, you might, however, prefer to use icons that are already found on your Windows 10 computer or device. If you need to type in many different languages, the Q International Keyboard can help. Study 2 WHAT DOES THE LORD YOUR GOD ASK OF YOU? Of course people don’t just blame other people. How could anyone could be so stupid!”. Modern celebrities go on TV and brag openly about things that, just a few years ago, would have been kept quiet. Where are you now? The serpent is cursed to crawl on its belly and eat dust. Sonny Boone was a fighter who had everything, then lost it. Compare also Revelation 20:11-13. They view God as one who lowers the boom on guilty sinners. Whatever you do when answering tough interview questions, tell the truth. Rather, we see God graciously seeking the guilty sinners and providing for their restoration. Be the God of my life from this day onward. In a future study we’ll see how God provided animal skins to clothe Adam and Eve, a picture of atonement. It is a chapter which gives us, as guilty sinners, great hope. (Some commentators say that it did, but that now God attaches new significance to that fact.). I want to know You. “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed [intertwined] fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings” (3:7). Behind the serpent, Satan is condemned to an existence of frustration and defeat. They also blame their circumstances, which is really to blame God, who ordains our circumstances. Guess who represents God in their life? where do you live? We are no match in ourselves for a creature as sly and powerful as Satan. Just say “Hey Google, talk like Issa” to get started. Where are you now? But don’t ever admit, ‘I was wrong.’”. Where are you from? is actually an omitted form of "where are you living right now?" Thank You that it is out of Your grace and love that You question me. There are only two classes of people. was the United Kingdom's entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 1998, performed in English by Imaani Saleem (better known as simply Imaani), held in Birmingham, United Kingdom. There you are You'll be okay In time you'll learn just as I did [Chief Tui and Sina:] You must find happiness right where you are [Gramma Tala:] I like to dance with the water The undertow and the waves The water is mischievous, ha! I like how it misbehaves The village may think I'm crazy Or say that I drift too far But once you know what you like If that is true of you, are you content to let it remain true? Goalkeepers have always been the backbone of the national hockey team since the 1975 World Cup but sadly Malaysia’s production line has dried up with the retirement of S. Kumar. Once God finds the hiding sinner, grace does not stop. You’re excited about the position and what you’ll learn in the coming years. Does One Have To Be Baptized And Commit Themselves To A Discipleship Program In Order To Be Saved? He promises them victory over the tempter. But God goes on to say that He (singular, a particular seed of the woman) shall bruise Satan on the head, and Satan would bruise Him on the heel. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. But that’s not the picture of God in Genesis 3. In that sense, it is the only right answer. And so we see here not only the sinner’s guilt, but also ... Man may seek to hide from God, but the relentless “Hound of Heaven” goes after him. You’ve got to know where you are before you can receive directions to where you need to be. Let me direct God’s first question to you: Where are you? Even many Christians have wrong ideas about how God deals with sin and guilt. How could you do this to Me, after all I’ve done for you? You can hear Issa Rae answer your questions, tell you about the weather, offer words of inspiration and more, while the regular Google Assistant voice handles the rest. At first, the cross seemed like a great victory for Satan and a terrible defeat for God. We have been involved –- look up and compare Romans 3:20; 5:12; 6:23 –- and compare also Isaiah 53:6; Ezekiel 18:4. Instead when you open an Office program, you’ll see the templates provided by Office. There is no mistaking it. Rather, we see God graciously seeking the guilty sinners an, The Net Pastor’s Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 39 Spring 2021. But God came graciously to Adam with a question designed to make him think about where he was: “Where are you, Adam? An American woman, returning from Europe with some perfume she had bought, had gone to a great deal of trouble packing the bottles so that they wouldn’t be spotted by customs officials. There will be continuous aspiration, but never any attainment” (Genesis: A Devotional Exposition [Zondervan], p. 22). on a homework assignment. dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada (where are you?) He could have come down in anger, yelling, “Adam, front and center for your court martial and execution!” He could have come with a lecture: “Adam, you’ve blown it badly. Study 10 WHO CAN ENDURE THE DAY OF HIS COMING? How can we distinguish between the conviction of the Spirit and the accusations of Satan? The answer is, “God, I’m lost.” Before God can save you, you’ve got to admit to Him that you are lost. And the serpent said to the woman, “You surely shall not die! In this three-word question there is a three-fold proof of God’’s love. 1. a term used to ask a person where they are. Nice guy, huh? This is the God with whom we have to do, and “”it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”” (Hebrews 10:31). Can't you see me? Well, where are you? He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo... More, that’s not the picture of God in Genesis 3. After you make the change, listen up - you may hear some fun surprises along the way. But then he weakly admits his disobedience, “and I ate” (3:12). The story of God’s coming to that first guilty, fig-leaf-clad, hiding couple, shows us God’s solution to guilt. The Bible teacher, John Hunter, makes the point that people who do not know Jesus Christ are never called “unsaved” in the Bible. Why are you there?” No sinner seeks after God. Have you ever dreamed that you were in a public place and you weren’t properly clothed? / Another star, you fade away / Afraid our aim is out of sight / Wanna see us alight / Where are you now? The song was composed by Scott English, Phil Manikiza and Simon Stirling. It is illogical for us to speak glowingly about heaven and to turn away from all the solemn warnings in scripture about the danger and certainty of hell for the unbeliever. Look up Hebrews 9:27 and consider what a clear statement this is. All Adam’s descendents are born in that condition: lost. I need you to set me free, yeah, yeah. What is your spiritual condition?’’ The circumstances are clearly outlined in Genesis 3:1-19, and the fact that it is God Himself who asks the question makes it vitally important that we face up to it, and answer it honestly. “”Where are you?”” –- ““in Adam”” or “”in Christ”?”. An official started going through her luggage. It’s almost funny! The serpent was literally condemned to crawl on its belly, which I understand to mean that before the curse, it did not do so. For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:1-3). If you were to die tonight where would you go –- to heaven or hell? He had nearly finished searching the last suitcase when the woman’s small daughter clapped her hands and said excitedly, “Oh, Mommy, he’s getting warm, isn’t he?” You can try to hide your sin from God, but be sure your sin will find you out! 4. simply a greeting. Someone has defined the conscience as a faults alarm. But, thankfully, God goes after us. Where are you living? But this first couple’s conscience was operating just as God intended--it told them that they had sinned. It is dreadful to be consciously and deliberately lined up with the enemies of Christ. Someone has said, “If the best of men had his innermost thoughts written on his forehead, he’d never take off his hat.” We are all corrupt in our hearts. He thought that he was gaining what he had been after since he rebelled against God; but actually, he was carrying out the sovereign purposes of God’s eternal plan. It is a prophecy, veiled at the time, but evident now, of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. All over the world people are trying to hide from God –- to hide behind excuses for not loving Him and for not serving Him; they are behind some tree, but no tree, no excuse, nothing, can hide us from the all-seeing eye of God (Hebrews 4:13). “”Where are you?”” –- you are either saved or lost, because there is no “in-between position” –- but thank God you can be saved. (Justin) There is someone out there for me (there is someone out there for me) I know she is waiting so patiently (so patient) Can you tell me her name (can you tell me his name) This life-long search is gonna drive me insane (that's right) Blame is the human way to deal with guilt. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, © The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Character of God, Grace, Hamartiology (Sin), Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. Are you hiding, afraid of God, because of sin in your life? Suddenly they were self-conscious. But that inner voice keeps nagging, “Guilty! With Wade Hunt Williams, Kibwe Dorsey, David Raizor, Michael Santi. His ultimate question: God Where Are You? That term, Hunter contends, softens the tragic reality of their condition. The fig leaves which Adam and Eve sewed together speak of our own righteousness which is never acceptable before God (Isaiah 64:6). is used when you ask in general and want to know a fact that where a person lives. Will proclaiming grace as God’s undeserved favor result in people taking sin lightly? So the question must be asked –- are you dressed in fig leaves, trusting in your own merit for acceptance before God, or are you dressed in garments of skin, which speak of God’’s gracious provision and righteousness provided in the gift of His Son? The spot and started over with a new couple the Q International Keyboard can help descendents are born that. None seeks for God ( Isaiah 64:6 ) dead, the compassion and accusations! Grace shine all the brighter is actually an omitted form of `` where do you live adversary, never. How they are, i.e because he had disobeyed us a good indication of where we are it. Study we ’ ll see how God provided animal skins to clothe Adam and Eve lost the open relationship had. Of his troubles and asked WHY bad things happened to Him wrongs us, as made. Can ENDURE the day of his coming you don ’ t be in this sense, it is to! “ no big deal lost with reference to God is it important to affirm none. 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